Monday, February 20, 2012

(Re-)Opening Blog

Whoa~ It has been so long time, more or less 3 years...
Such a weird feeling
Too long and moreover I forget how to blogging ( too much).

Nah, I mean just lots of scripts I forgot
I have to re-memorize any usefull scripts (not for hacking use)
Somehow, I am about to exist in this blog.
Previously, I used wordpress and (unfortunely) it was HACKED
So tragic, A hacker was hacked by another hacker

Anyway, the real reason I (re-)blogging is... #Tada
To meet the compulsory of Fast-Track program scholar that supported by SEAMOLEC
I don't have any idea either or know something about this stuff yet.
Hope these scholar will develop Indonesian Human Resource (I hope so)
Enjoy ajah!

Note: I wrote this note in Process Engineering class 


Elina Cynthia Setiawan (Author)

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